Free Checklist
Self-publish your book
in 6 stepS
6 simple steps
toward the publication of your book:
from manuscript to published book
As a small business owner, you know that writing a book or e-book helps you to the following:
✔ becoming visible to potential clients
✔ increasing your credibility
✔ demonstrating your skills and knowledge
✔ standing out from the competition
✔ elevating your status to that of an expert
✔ securing speaking engagements
✔ sharing your valuable knowledge and experience with the world
✔ creating a source of passive income
But you’re not sure about the publishing process:
? When is your book good enough to publish?
? Do you need an editor?
? What are the steps to self-publishing your book?
? What else do you need?
? How do you market your book?
Publishing your book can benefit your business in more than one way.
You know this, and you may have started writing your book already.
You’re an expert in what you do for a living but maybe not in book publishing. So, these obstacles may stop you from continuing or even starting your book. It’s not that you give up easily, but you have so many other more pressing things to do and for which the processes are more clearly laid out.
But you realize it would be so good to have that book finished and published!
Our checklist gives you an easy overview of the steps that you need to take.
Using this checklist, you don’t have to figure it out for yourself. We’ll list the steps and provide handy links to other websites for further information.
Use our checklist to see what still needs to be done and how to go about it.

In this checklist, you’ll find 6 essential steps from draft to published book.
For each step, we’ll explain
✔ What the step involves,
✔ How this is achieved,
✔ Who can help you with it,
✔ What you can do yourself.
Including links to useful websites.
BONUS information:
✔ How to promote your book,
✔ How to obtain an ISBN,
✔ What to do about copyright.
About Us
Book Helpline works with independent authors and small publishers. Our goal is to help authors make their books the best they can be: engaging for the reader, fluent, and grammatically sound. We’re as keen as you are to make your book a success!
We’ve edited a wide variety of publications. These include fiction and non-fiction as well as memoirs, short stories, and children’s books. A selection of these publications can be found on our Edited Books page.
A great beginner’s guide. Lots of practical, clearly stated information. I had the information but not the know-how to publish my manuscript. This guide should be useful in making my book a reality.
After reading Book Helpline’s guide, I finally got back to working on my business book. It is also a useful tool in understanding the types of editing available and what I need.
6 Steps to publication
Download the handy e-book now and keep it at the ready
during each step from manuscript to publication!
Book Helpline
(213) 325-5115 |