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Because you’re interested in writing and publishing, we’ve got something extra for you:
A manuscript appraisal.
An expert opinion will give you the confidence to continue with your manuscript or give pointers as to where your writing is still lacking and what you can do to improve it.
What the appraisal includes:
A comprehensive report, incorporating insights from selected chapters at the beginning, middle, and end of your manuscript.
This honest evaluation will highlight the publishability of your work and suggest necessary improvements.
A developmental edit of 2,000 words, complete with margin notes to help you refine the details of your story, ensuring clarity, consistency, and a logical flow for your readers.
A copy edit of 2,000 words, covering corrections in spelling, grammar, punctuation, and sentence structure.
You’ll receive both a marked-up version with changes visible and a ‘clean’ version where all edits have been seamlessly integrated.
Take advantage of our special offer!
Ordinarily priced at $127 / €127, our book appraisal is now available to readers of our new e-book for just $99 / €99.
This special offer is only valid on this page.
Use code OFFER24.
1. Email us at info@bookhelpline.com. Please attach your manuscript as a Word file to your email. Remember to include the code OFFER24 to let us know you’re making use of this special offer.
2. We’ll let you know we received the manuscript and will start the appraisal, which we’ll send to you within a week after payment. We’ll send you payment details when we start; options include PayPal (incl. credit and debit cards) or and bank transfer.
Book Helpline
(213) 325-5115 | info@bookhelpline.com