Maximize Your Book’s Potential
Below is a selection of books we’ve edited
In total, we’ve edited more than 500 books, both fiction and non-fiction. Will your book be next?

WE help self-publishing authors to publish a book that they can be proud of
Our mission is to take your manuscript to the next level so you can confidently present your book to the world, you can be proud of the result, and your readers are inspired by your message.
Book Helpline is a business that is based in the Netherlands and has offices in the US and the UK. We have been in business for ten years.
Our fixed team of editors are native speakers (US, UK)with a university degree, who have been working as professional editors for many years. Most of our editors are writers themselves, too.

Book Helpline helped me with editing the English translation of my book. They did a very good job and quick as well. Joanna and Judith are great to work with. Thank you!
I worked on all seven of my books with Book Helpline and it continues to be a pleasure. Their story analysis, edits, and support always get me back on track. Till next time!
Is your book ready for the next step toward publication?
If you think your book is ready for editing, or if you’re not sure, email us a chapter from your manuscript and we’ll let you know what the best next step would be. Prefer to call? Phone Ginny on (213) 325-5115.
Book Helpline
(213) 325-5115 |